LETTER: I live in hope of a litter-free Leeds

Are peoples lazy litter habits dragging Leeds into the gutter?Are peoples lazy litter habits dragging Leeds into the gutter?
Are peoples lazy litter habits dragging Leeds into the gutter?
What eyesores greet us on our journeys into town! Gutters, pavements, grass verges and bus shelters are litter-strewn and bins overflow, writes D Leek of LS17

The lower end of Scott Hall Road is particularly bad. Lay-bys on main roads into the city are shocking. In some areas, leaf mulch piles up and blocks the drains. Has funding for street cleansing been cut so drastically, or are council members not aware of the state of Leeds at the moment?

As a volunteer litter picker with a local In Bloom group, I see lazy people wander along dropping bottles and cans and throwing rubbish out of their cars at traffic lights. I asked a youngster recently to pick up his sandwich wrapper. You would have thought I’d dropped out of the sky in front of him. Obviously perplexed, he asked: “Why do you pick litter up?” Will there ever be a proper solution to litter in Leeds, or will we just have to live with it and close our eyes on the bus into town?

We live in hope.

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